
The Changing Seasons

I have come to a realisation that I appear to be unusual in that I enjoy the British Winter. There is something comforting about being able to close the curtains in late afternoon and settle down for the evening. Casseroles are one of my favourite meals to both make and eat - the ultimate comfort food. Now I work from home I don’t have to worry about weather conditions in terms of travel - we are surrounded by roads that easily flood and several steep hills which become impassable if there is ice and snow. It is very easy to be sucked in to conversations about hating winter and wishing the Spring would come but I have made a real effort this year to change the narrative and be brave enough to say - actually I enjoy Winter, I appreciate the low light levels of November and December where certain leaves and stems appear to glow, I enjoy the unexpectedness of a Sunny Day where signs of the coming Spring are all around, I don’t want to miss the delights of the Winter Season. by taking a long holiday abroad. Also, I know that I find it much harder to work in the Summer so I can’t afford to hibernate in Winter. This year I will endeavour to appreciate all of the seasons - my least favourite ( surprisingly) is Summer - so I need to find more to like about that season.

Makers Markets
Caroline White Caroline White

Makers Markets

Today I started my latest painting – I am never sure of a piece’s title until it is finished – but the working title is Glimpses of Spring.

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May 2022
Caroline White Caroline White

May 2022

My last collection was called Hints of Spring. It recognised that we need the death and decay of winter vegetation to add nutrients to the soil and nourish the tiny shoots of spring.

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